Sunday, April 21, 2024

#NaPoWriMo 2024 day twentyone

You act as if everything is okay
And everything is not okay
We had the necessary conversations
And you left the house for three days
When you come home you are silent
You head straight upstairs
And close the door to your room
This is how you turn the ones you love
Into intruders or strangers
This is how you tell them
You cannot ask the questions
The myth of youth is that actions
Don’t have consequences
That the insistence on freedoms
Bears no responsibilities
I’ve never thought I was perfect
But I never thought I failed this much
There are so many regrets
My nights are full of them
But we cannot live there
I gather all my fears
And wonder how to invite you
To come and join me at the table
There is always room for you
My beautiful boy