Tuesday, April 28, 2020


they closed the road today.
there was no warning –
they simply closed it.
i went outside to get the mail
and the road was open.
i went inside and read,
wrote, listened to music,
and when i went back outside
the road was closed.
this is not a metaphor.
it wasn’t overly inconvenient.
they left one lane open after all.
now you can only travel one direction –
which isn’t so bad
once you’ve determined
where you’re going, and
how you want to get there.
admittedly, it feels like
i’m constantly driving in circles.
which is not a metaphor.
it is merely how we must travel now.
arriving from one direction
and leaving in the opposite,
remembering which view
is the one we leave behind,
and which we keep before us.

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