Sunday, April 9, 2023

NaPoWriMo day nine

discontent meant a martyr’s death
he breathed out.
committed to the teachings
of scholar of priest
he saw possibilities:
a protecting hand
purified and strengthened.
they were as one,
connections he did not hesitate to place
in opposition to himself.
it was an aggressive action
to belong.
After he breathed his last,
retribution reached out.
By that time he was searching
eagerly to counteract
his arrogance and disregard,
a curious combination,
always ready.
Working closely together,
they were as one
in opposition to his
unauthorized demands.
He would have faced the issue
with courage, even peacefully.
It would verge on the absurd
to say “this eloquent politician.”
He was searching for issues
he could use to establish rights.
Once supremely able
in the art of debate,
he said what many had been thinking
boldly and publicly.
Edward did not hesitate. He would not agree,
averse to continuous demands.

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