one definition of "elaboration" is the development or expansion of an idea or theme.
regular readers of edStuff will know that a large part of my practice involves the use and juxtaposition of various slogans and phrases superimposed on images. i have asked a number of my photography friends to participate (and there is still room for more if you're interested) by submitting a single image each month, which will be paired with a randomly chosen text of my choice. the resulting combinations will be posted here (hopefully) on the first of every month. what i am interested in is the tension created between text and image, and how the change in image shifts the text, leading to new interpretations in how we 'read' that image and/or text.
so please stay tuned. i think it's going to be an interesting experiment.
* please contact me and leave a message if you would be interested in participating, or if you would like more details.