- last year i had 3 exhibitions - this year i would like to have 4, including at least 1 in a city where i haven't previously exhibited
- complete 5 new pieces, whether individual pieces, installations or large-scale series (i already know that at least one will be a video piece)
- curate 1 exhibition
- refine my lightbooks so the light sources are easier to replace for potential buyers/ gallerists
- develop a commercial line of my work, whether paintings, prints or even cards
- i have developed a 3 session workshop that focusses on our identity and calling as artists -- i'd like to present that workshop again this year
- apply to at least one grant for personal/ professional training purposes/ conferences
- write poetry again and submit pieces to 2 magazines, or else work towards a chapbook of my poems
- finally start work on my screenplay/ novel
- practice playing my guitar (i miss leading worship) - i suppose i'll write a song or two, and hopefully we'll sing one in our church
- consolidate all my various notebooks and sketchbooks, and only use one at a time
please feel free to ask me how any of these things are progressing, and let me know if you have any suggestions for resources that relate to any of these areas. i need all the help and encouragement i can get.