Tuesday, April 4, 2017


i want to ask you
when you were first aware
of being desired. when
someone wanted to know
only your body,
and the pleasure
it might afford.

how did you respond
to the weight
of that gaze,
the furtive glances?
did you return that attention?
did you confront it
did you avert your eyes?
was there shame? whose?

i want to ask you
when you were first aware
of desiring another. when
you wanted to offer them
all of your body
and the pleasure
it might afford.

did they respond
to the heat
of your entreaties,
your intended surrender?
did they return your touch?
did they act with boldness,
and possess the land?
did they avoid the altar?
was there joy? whose?

i remember what it was like
to be desired, and how desire begets desire,
awakens the soul one way or another.

i know there is a desire fuelled by control,
and desire stirred by beauty. i wish
i could say i was always on the right side
of the question. i regret to say i was not.