Saturday, April 27, 2024

#NaPoWriMo 2024 day twentyseven

i try not to always think of endings.

let the minutes go by one by one by one.

each day has enough of its own troubles.

there is so much still left to do.

the list just keeps getting longer.

there will never be enough time.

there are so many books still to read.

what are we building with all these words?

is there still the possibility of understanding?

there have been too few moments of silence.

i have to remember to sometimes just stop.

try to note each day as a small beginning.

plant a seed and trust it to grow.
there is so much more of the implied threat.
we make plans and wait for the perfect moment.
we navigate accidents and surprises.
i meant everything i promised.
the days keep getting shorter.
i still hope that heaven is a real place.
in my dreams heaven is full of books.
we clothe ourselves with words.
we keep digging and digging and digging.
we build monuments to monuments.
no one remembers when it all began.
let us apologize for all our mistakes.
i promise you: my intentions were good.