Friday, April 23, 2021


i don’t prefer it
when it is sunny and cold;
it confuses me.
in the morning
there is a dusting of snow
and frost on the windows,
and by noon it is gone.
that’s spring! they say,
but i don’t prefer it.
it’s probably not
climate change
but maybe
i need more data.
there’s always been snow
in April – it’s spring!
what we need is rain;
moisture in any form
is still useful
and necessary.
i need to know
there will be flowers,
the trees will bud,
the grass will green,
ladybugs and bees
will do their work.
it will still be cold
in the morning
and warm by noon.
we will wear our layers
until it is summer again.
maybe we will meet outside
at the picnic tables,
go for walks again,
talk about the weather—
how short summer is;
how long the winter.