talk turned to piercings
over the lunch hour we shared
surface comparisons
surface comparisons
ears, tongue, nose
i spoke of the modern
the desire to adorn -
to be altered, or altar -
what kinds of objects can be
placed under the skin
or through it, how
the body fights, encases, pushes
the body fights, encases, pushes
how I had toyed with the
idea of a prince albert piercing -
i did not tell them why.
i told them of my friend
- let’s call her "T" -
who took turns piercing her
letting one heal before
piercing the other
for the rush, she said
i did not speak of st.teresa
how her ecstasy was
how sometimes pleasure and
are entwined, how
passion is enfleshed
passion is enfleshed
and spirited, how
i too imagine myself
i too imagine myself
satisfied with nothing
less than god.
less than god.
we did not speak of how
our hearts are too often pierced
our hearts are too often pierced
by the words we say and
don’t say
the longing to hear your
we did not speak of the
fragility of skin
how much it is like paper,
how much gets written on it,
what stories we then tell
we did not speak of the
human heart, our need
our fear