Monday, February 9, 2009

the question of Truth

part the fifth (and last)
While I have been presenting some questions that relate specifically to the artist, these questions also relate to each one of us. We all need to establish who we are, and what we have been created for. We need to determine that we will embrace being a co-worker with God in fulfilling His purposes. And we need to discover who we can serve with those gifts and talents, and thereby honour God as we walk out our calling. This calling is not our job – it is reflected in our passions, and the things that stir our hearts to joy, to compassion and to sorrow. That calling shapes and informs everything we do, but always in relationship to others, whether God or the various communities we interact with (family, schoolmates, co-workers).

Ultimately, I believe that the calling of the artist (as well as every christian) is to proclaim Truth. The artist must engage the world as it is, and declare or reveal that which could, or should, be. The whole of existence is ours to explore and look at. There are myriad stories to be discovered and told. It is our responsibility and joy to say, “Look here! Look at this! What can we learn from this?”

I just want to declare Truth, and declare it well. Even better, I want to live it.

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