Sunday, April 3, 2011

george whipple: a hymn to God the Father

O God invisible as music, let me know
Thee in the least reflection of Thy much,
in termite, tick and earwig, in the glow-
worm striking matches on the dark, the house-
fly scratching his humungous-huge orbed head;
in all the creepy, crawly, earthbound things,
the bandy ant in black fatigues, the slow
gelatinous, fat snail.

                               Although I climb
to Thee in prayers that fall as if unsaid,
O Alpha and Omega, Logos, great I AM,
I know Thee in the nit, mosquito, flea;
in pollywog, boll weevil, gnat and louse
- and with the praying mantis, worship Thee.

Whipple, George. "A Hymn to God the Father" Introductions: Poets Present Poets. Markham: Fitzhenry & Whiteside, 2001.

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