Friday, November 14, 2014



it was not at all

what I expected. nothing
really changed.
not then.

later, however –
later it was all

different. later,
there was recognition
of loss. the violence
of assumption
lost. something
we both took
from each other.

yours was the better bargain.


at that moment
all i felt was surprise.
that you didn’t stop
wouldn’t stop
when I asked, stop

i carried all that
for years,
the weight
of that exchange
growing larger.
then forgotten.
or ignored.


i recognize the weight
of chains, what burdens
i carried forward.

i remember how sharp
the hook, how deeply
buried, sweetly disbursed.

this is how we share
and in this sharing

i carry it away.

all that waiting.

1 comment:

Wenda said...

Evocative in how it calls to mind all my own experiences of forgiveness. Really love the line about disbursement.