psalm two (version two)
why so much anger? the
nations rage over borders and rights and this mountain range and that city and
let’s remember history because our tribe never forgets. all those gatherings,
threads woven into schemes traded like family histories, accruing weight as
they roll across fields and through rivers starting as whispers until the
chorus resounds and can no longer be hidden. everything escapes its bounds when
the story swells, and the body lays in the heat too long.
running from the warm
embrace of hope into the memory of whatever it is you thought you needed and
must have more than the desire of tomorrow and what if and maybe there’s more
to this than you’re willing to admit. sometimes the rope is a noose and sometimes
the noose is a handle and sometimes that handle is stronger than the grip of
your fear. it is difficult to not say these words with anger that roils and
bubbles and ravages the soul sick with longing for an answer it concocts itself
but that offers little solace. there are times my wrath consumes the past and
times it consumes the future.
i promise you that there
is power in your hands to do great things, more than you have settled for, more
than you dare to imagine. i promise you i will set you on a throne nestled in a
mountain with veins of gold warmed by the sun. i set a seal upon you: you are
mine, you belong to me, i belong to you, we are one and forever i will bless
the ground you walk on as you walk along the edges of all the territory you have
been given. i have been waiting for you. there are many treasures buried here
and you have the tools to discover them if you are willing and have the
strength to use them. be careful. it is too easy to crush a soul.
wisdom is not so easily
won. you wear your mistakes like sandals as you hike through the valleys. you
wear your confusion girded around your waist and you must keep on moving
forward and cross the ranges until you crest into the sun. wear your authority
as a cloak. let its weight inform each decision, let it be a light for your
feet, let the ground be firm and the path a path. it doesn’t take much to fall.
it is an easy thing to fail.
this is the hard work of
trust. it can be easier.
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