Wednesday, April 1, 2015

NaPoWriMo - day one

making strange

perhaps we might learn
to use some of the old words.
propitiation. ransom. redemption.

maybe we could rediscover
what they meant when they said
Lord of Hosts. The Lion & the Lamb.
Bread of Heaven.

we could make things strange.
repopulate our language with new figures.
pelican. peacock. unicorn.

let’s make all the old things new.
it is not too late.


Paulines and Paulisms said...

Dear EdStuff,

In my humble opinion, your poem works as an intro/outline/communion table of contents for your next trinity of poems. Perhaps, you could title each one as "Propitiation," "Ransom," and "Redemption" and then embody each lyric with the fascinating figures of the pelican, peacock, and unicorn, respectively. Make them strange as only strangers in a strange land can do.

Write on!


Paulines and Paulisms said...
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Paulines and Paulisms said...

Looking forward to more of your NaPoWriMo poems in the coming days!


techne said...

ooooohhh...i like that idea, paul. i may just try that.