Thursday, April 6, 2023

NaPoWriMo day six

The three Edwards were needed.
Time had introduced spies
with definite instructions,
with all the evidence needed,
authority to act without consent
secretly, to surround houses,
seize the archives, take
possession of all of his
prepared betrayals.
History was brought into court
and formally charge;
pleaded innocence.
The authorities proceeded then
to extract confessions.
He was turned over to the experts
at loosening tongues,
protesting innocence
to the end.
in the meantime,
minister a compliant tool—
instrument of condition.
in the parlour, a trap
was sprung.
who had authority to act?
in the night they were
to take possession;
secrecy was enjoined.
by midnight
a catalogue of crimes,
preachers rehearsing
the whole list
of startling charges.
torture, under
the direction of innocence,
to the end.
The three Edwards
needed transport,
Who had been compliant
in most matters?
The instrument still sealed,
the evidence secret, guilty
of heresy, every chapter
with orders to prepare.
Not a hint of purpose,
the plan was carried out
without toil.
The way had been prepared.
This was on a Friday.
On Saturday they
pleaded their innocence.
On Sunday, the whole list
of confessions,
the instruments
turned over to the experts,
loosening tongues
their innocence.

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